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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

Identifying Genetic Drivers of Innate Immunity Using Custom Targeted CRISPR Screens content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Identifying Genetic Drivers of Innate Immunity Using Custom Targeted CRISPR Screens

Using genome-wide CRISPR knockout screens, followed by focused CRISPR screens, researchers at Boehringer Ingelheim probed the gene-phenotype relationship of human monocyte phagocytosis when the cells were challenged with Staphylococcus aureus.
CRISPR Engineered Cells Enable Variant Disease Modeling content piece image
App Note / Case Study

CRISPR Engineered Cells Enable Variant Disease Modeling

Comprehensive disease modeling can be challenging for many labs due to variations in reagents, cell culture conditions, technical inconsistencies across protocols and experiments and bandwidth limitations.
Progress Towards Out-of-the-Box Sub-Cellular Imaging content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Progress Towards Out-of-the-Box Sub-Cellular Imaging

Single cell analysis in a spatially resolved context is the gateway to deciphering scientific questions in various application areas. Such analysis requires the highest available spatial precision combined with highly sensitive detection.
Conducting Research on Highly Pathogenic Viruses Using Virus Pseudotypes content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Conducting Research on Highly Pathogenic Viruses Using Virus Pseudotypes

The threat that emerging viruses pose to human health should not be underestimated. These viruses have acquired the ability to infect humans either due to interspecies transmission or naturally occurring changes in the viral genome.
Cell Painting for Phenotypic Screening content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Cell Painting for Phenotypic Screening

Cell painting is a powerful phenotypic screening method used to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of chemical and genetic perturbagens on cells.
Expansion of Specific Lymphocyte Populations content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Expansion of Specific Lymphocyte Populations

Expansion of Specific Lymphocyte Populations With 4Cell® Nutri-T Xeno-Free, Serum-Free Medium

The success of CAR T-cell therapy requires efficient expansion of specific subpopulations of patient-derived immune cells.
Imaging and AI-Assisted Analysis of Retinal Cell Damage content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Imaging and AI-Assisted Analysis of Retinal Cell Damage

In conventional widefield imaging, a common issue is out-of-focus blur, especially when imaging thick sections or whole-mounted samples like the retina.
From Mammalian Cell Cultures to Pure Proteins: Reduce Your Cell Harvest Time content piece image
App Note / Case Study

From Mammalian Cell Cultures to Pure Proteins: Reduce Your Cell Harvest Time

For therapeutic applications, it is important that protein production from mammalian cell lines is efficient and pure.
App Note / Case Study

Label-Free Single Cell Proteomics Workflow

Label-Free Single Cell Proteomics Workflow With the CellenONE Platform and the TimsTOF SCP
Are You Compliant When it Comes to Pipetting? content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Are You Compliant When it Comes to Pipetting?

During pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, there is always the question: are you following methods for current good laboratory practice or current good manufacturing practice?