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White and red pill cut in half showing a silver ball and stick molecular structure inside.

Target Identification and Validation in Drug Development

This article will highlight the properties of an attractive drug target, outline the approaches used to identify targets and discuss the key steps involved in target validation.
An image illustrating equity, diversion and inclusion using building blocks.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for “Better Science”

Technology Networks recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Sam Barichievy, director in cell engineering at the biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. In this conversation, Dr. Barichievy shares her perspectives on what equality, diversity and inclusion entails, and how fostering inclusive environments can enable us to do better science.
A Conversation on Immunity content piece image

A Conversation on Immunity

Dr. Jenna Macciochi is a lecturer in immunology at the University of Sussex, where her research centers on understanding the role that nutrition and lifestyle play in human immunity.
A Degeneration of Trust content piece image

A Degeneration of Trust

Recently, an expose article was published revealing a potential fabrication of data by prominent investigators of Alzheimer’s disease. In this op-ed piece, Michael Kinch explores the catastrophic impact of scientific fraud.
Why Biomarkers of Biological Age Could Be Misleading content piece image

Why Biomarkers of Biological Age Could Be Misleading

Over the last decade there has been a prolific “boom” in aging and anti-aging research, extending beyond academic work into biotech and big pharma. A new study calls the biomarkers used to track the benefits of "anti-aging" regimens, and to calculate biological age, into question.
The Binomial Test content piece image

The Binomial Test

The Binomial test, sometimes referred to as the Binomial exact test, is a test used in sampling statistics to assess whether a proportion of a binary variable is equal to some hypothesized value.
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Glomerular Filtration Rate Is the True Gold Standard of Kidney Function

This article discusses acute kidney injury, calculating the glomerular filtration rate and the need for a reliable functional kidney biomarker.
Mark a Course for the Future – Biomarkers in Cancer Immunotherapy  content piece image

Mark a Course for the Future – Biomarkers in Cancer Immunotherapy

Here we explore how biomarkers are driving the immuno-oncology landscape. We dive into cutting-edge biomarker research and the challenges facing the field.
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The “Streetlight Effect” in Proteomics

A bias exists within proteomics, where certain proteins are studied less frequently than others. In this article, we hear from Professor Kathryn Lilley on why some proteins attract less research attention, why this is problematic and how The Understudied Protein Initiative hopes to overcome it.
From Culture Plate to Dinner Plate – The Lingering “Promise” of Lab-Based Meat content piece image

From Culture Plate to Dinner Plate – The Lingering “Promise” of Lab-Based Meat

In this feature article, Tanaaz Khan explores the "lingering" promise of lab-based, or "cultured" meat. Does it deliver on its promise of being a greener and more ethical alternative to meat?