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Ask Me Anything: Precision Medicine & Cancer Research

Cancer is an all-encompassing topic, impacting us all on a global scale. The sobering reality is that one out of every two people is likely to confront a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. This inevitability leaves a multitude of questions in its wake. So we've lined up a remarkable Ask Me Anything session with none other than Professor Mark Lawler all about precision medicine and cancer research.

Professor Mark Lawler is not just any scientist; he's a globally recognized luminary in the field. With a career spanning decades, he's been a relentless force in expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge, all with a dedicated mission to enhance the lives of those affected by cancer. Boasting an impressive publication record of over 200 papers, including ground-breaking contributions in high-impact journals like the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Nature Medicine, Lancet Oncology, Cancer Discovery, Nature Communications, and Gut.

During this session you will:

  • Engage in Q&A:  Pose your questions directly to Professor Lawler and receive answers. 
  • Gain Expert Perspectives: Participate in the exchange of ideas as Professor Lawler shares his thoughts on questions posed by fellow participants.

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Keynote Speaker
Mark Lawler, PhD, FRCPath
Mark Lawler, PhD, FRCPath
Queens University Belfast
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