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Future Foods – News and Features

A pantry.

Halving Europe's Foodwaste Could Solve Rest of World's Food Shortages

New calculations show European countries have great potential for reducing demand for global food resources and associated GHG footprint. Researchers have estimated the climate footprint savings that may be obtained from reducing food loss and waste.
Green shoots and white roots sprout from small seeds in soil.

Protein Seals Plant Roots To Regulate the Uptake of Nutrients and Water

The identification of a protein that regulates nutrient and water uptake in plant roots could help develop climate-proof crops that require fewer chemical fertilizers.
A header reading "feeding tomorrow" displayed using fruit and vegetables.

Feeding Tomorrow: Exploring the Next Frontier in Food

Our food system is at a pivotal moment; there is enormous potential for innovation to unlock more healthy, accessible and sustainable diets for all, but we are simultaneously facing huge global challenges.
Person's finger tracing down a nutrition label on food packaging.

Addressing the Question of Nutritional Equivalence in Future Foods

Many avenues are being explored to feed the population. While the likes of cellular agriculture still provide consumers with animal cells and the nutritional value they convey, the same cannot necessarily be said for their plant-based counterparts.
Five chickens in a coop.

Scientists Use Chicken Feathers To Generate Clean Energy

Turning unused waste from food production into clean energy: Researchers at ETH Zurich and Nanyang Technological University Singapore are using chicken feathers to make fuel cells more cost-​effective and sustainable.
Gourmet beef burger on a white plate.

Lab Automation Holds the Key to the Development of the Food of the Future

Geoff Dance highlights how automation can help us explore the unknown in the cell-cultured meat industry.
A close up of mature kale plants.

A Green Approach To Upcycle Vegetable Waste

Scientists have devised an environmentally friendly method that turns vegetable waste into health and personal care products, giving vegetable waste a new lease of life in a sustainable and cost effective manner.
A plant-based cheese cut up on a cutting board.

Ancient Technology May Hold the Key to Plant-Based Cheese That ‘People Want To Eat’

To produce plant-based cheeses that feel and taste like dairy cheese, scientists have their sights set on fermentation. In a new research result, scientists demonstrate the potential of fermentation for producing climate-friendly cheeses.
Splashing milk caught mid splash with droplets in the air.

Pasteurization-Resistant Bacterium Can Persist in Microfiltered Milk

A new filtration process that aims to extend milk’s shelf life can result in a pasteurization-resistant Microbacterium passing into fluid milk if equipment isn’t properly cleaned early, food scientists have found.
A man in a blue t-shirt holds a burger above a plate of chips.

Substituting Meat for Plant-Based Alternatives To Cut Global Emissions

If we switched half our meat and milk products to plant-based alternatives, global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) could fall by up to 31% by 2050, new analysis suggests. A 50% substitution scenario could also reduce water usage and undernourishment levels significantly.