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Multiomics – News and Features

Small molecule closeup
Industry Insight

Confident Metabolite Identification for Meaningful Results in Multiomics Analyses

In this interview, Technology Networks spoke to Heiko Neuweger, director of Bioinformatics Life Science Mass Spectrometry Software R&D at Bruker, to learn about the importance of target compound annotation and identification, the advantages of integrating collision cross section (CCS) information into workflows and the benefits of CCS-Predict Pro.
Artistic representation of the gene clusters that influence cancer progression.

4,749 Key Gene Clusters Influence the Progression of 32 Different Cancer Types

Researchers have released a groundbreaking study identifying 4,749 key gene clusters, termed “prognostic modules,” that significantly influence the progression of 32 different types of cancer.
Firefighters in training tackling a fire.

Firefighter Study Reveals the Body's Response to Intense Physical Exercise

By studying training firefighters, researchers have revealed hundreds of molecular changes as our bodies respond to intense physical exercise.
A close-up image of a fly on a white surface.

Potential Anti-Cancer Target Identified in Flies

MYC proteins play an important role in many types of cancer. A research team at the University of Würzburg has now succeeded in indirectly influencing these proteins – with clear consequences for the tumor.
Sampling boats on the bank of a lake.

A Lake's Sediment Can Tell Its Biodiversity History

AI analysis shows pollution levels, extreme weather events and increasing temperatures devastate biodiversity in freshwater lakes.
Human cerebral organoids under a microscope.

Researchers Use Light To Regulate Gene Expression in Organoids

Organoids help researchers understand biological processes in health and in disease. It is, however, difficult to influence the way in which they organize themselves into complex tissues. Now a group has found a new way to do so.
A strand of DNA.

17 Genes Linked to Relapse-Free Survival for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

In a quest for personalized medicine for cancer patients, a distinctive pattern of 17 genes has been associated with remission after chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer.
Broccoli sprouts next to a mature broccoli.

"Eat Your Broccoli Sprouts", They Contain Seven Times More Polysulfides Than Mature Vegetables

Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables are rich in polysulfide molecules, which can reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, and their sprouts are even more so.
A persons figure with a cartoon intestine on their abdomen.

Computer Model Identifies Which Species Are Important in a Healthy Microbiome

Understanding the relationships within the microbiome opens the door to a new world of medical opportunities for conditions from Inflammatory Bowel Disease to infections, autoimmune diseases and cancers.
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a cell (purple) infected with the Omicron strain of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (green), isolated from an individual.

Study Uncovers Why Young Children Suffer Less Severe COVID-19

A study of infants and young children found those who acquired SARS-CoV-2 had a strong, sustained antibody response to the virus and high levels of inflammatory proteins in the nose but not in the blood.