Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are pervasive in our environment, however, they’re also associated with negative health effects.
Many scientists are working hard to measure and filtrate PFAS in vital resources such as drinking water. Learn how one scientist is working at the interface between environmental monitoring, public health, separation science, materials synthesis, and mass spectrometry, to mitigate contamination risk.
Download this Case Study to learn more about:
- The challenges of PFAS analysis and filtration
- The latest analytical tools and techniques applied to environmental monitoring
- Real-world stories of PFAS analysis success
How One Scientist is Thinking Ahead
for the Environment
Developing methods for PFAS monitoring
Predicting the long-term impact some substances have
on human health and the environment is extremely
difficult - chemicals can be safe in the manufactured
form or even after rigorous testing, but decades-long
testing is not possible.
In some instances, we only become aware of the toxic
impact that some substances and chemicals can have on
humans and the environment after they have been widely
used. Recently, PFAS have become more recognized
as this type of chemical. PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances) can be found in nonstick frying pans, waterrepellent sports gear, stain-resistant rugs and countless
other consumer products. Their chemical bonds are so
strong they either don't degrade at all or do so extremely
slowly in the environment and remain in a person’s
bloodstream indefinitely.
The science is still catching up to these substances and many scientists are working to understand how
to measure and filtrate PFAS in vital resources such as drinking water. Dr. Emanuela Gionfriddo, Assistant
Professor at the University of Toledo in Ohio U.S., is one of those scientists.
“Our work uses microextraction probes to sample organic molecules (e.g. environmental contaminants,
toxins, metabolites) in heterogeneous environmental and biological systems,” she says. “We are also
exploring the use of new materials for selective extraction of perfluorinated alkyl substances. My research
program lies at the interface between environmental monitoring, public health, separation science, materials
synthesis, and mass spectrometry.”
Emanuela Gionfriddo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor at
University of Toledo, OH
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How One Scientist is Thinking Ahead for the Environment
As a professor in the department of chemistry and biochemistry,
Gionfriddo focuses on developing analytical tools that can detect
and quantify substances like PFAS.
“I believe that the spread of environmental contaminants is one of
the most concerning issues nowadays and it’s a very important
field of research that needs to be pursued to minimize pollution
or mitigate its effects,” she says. “From the analytical point of
view, it is critical developing methods that are robust and accurate
enough to detect and quantify emerging contaminants and their
degradation products in a variety of samples, from water to soil
and biota.”
Emerging contaminants are chemicals that are not currently (or
have been only recently) regulated and about which there are
ongoing concerns regarding their impact on human or ecological
health. In November 2021, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it will be taking actions
to “limit pollution from a cluster of long-lasting chemicals known
as PFAS that are increasingly turning up in public drinking water
systems, private wells, and even food.”
When any pollutant or contaminant begins to be regulated, a
standardized system needs to be put in place to monitor that
chemical’s levels in places like drinking water. Dr. Gionfriddo’s work
ensures there are sound tests and systems in place that allow the
monitoring agency to put those regulations in place. Similar to how
we test for contaminants like lead in our water, we can put rules in
place that would test it for PFAS as well.
“My research team was able to develop various methods for
analysis of emerging contaminants, in particular, we achieved low
part per trillion limits of detection for PFAS,” says Gionfriddo. “We
use solid-phase microextraction coupled to liquid chromatography
laminar flow tandem mass spectrometry to do this and we were
also able to develop an analytical set up for the minimization
of transient microenvironments for analysis of environmental
contaminants via ambient ionization.” These types of analysis
take analytical instrumentation firepower, and Gionfriddo has
found using the PerkinElmer QSight® 200 and the LC 300 with
SimplicityChrom™ software beneficial to accomplishing her work.
“I started working with the PerkinElmer team during my postdoctoral studies at the University of Waterloo,” she says. “That
collaboration grew once I moved to the University of Toledo when
we acquired the QSight 200 that boosted our research productivity
and helped us to achieve our goals.”
“Recently, I also equipped my lab with the new LC 300. I selected
this instrumentation for the high level of reliability, robustness,
and analytical performance.” In the future, Gionfriddo plans to
extend her research into the analysis of emerging contaminants in
biota (i.e., flora and fauna) and examine what exposure will do to
human health in the long term.
“My team and I had an impressive experience with the PerkinElmer
service and sales team,” she says. “I envision continuing this
collaboration and possibly acquire other instrumentation to
complement what is already available in the lab.”